Khamis, 21 Januari 2010


Membedah Filem "Avatar" (2nd Mega Plot Mind-Control After "2012")

Semalam saya berkesempatan melihat filem Avatar sepenuhnya, filem sci-fi-epic yang dinobatkan filem 3 Dimensi terbaik di abad ini, mengambil masa lebih 10 tahun untuk dihasilkan secara sempurna.

Ketika orang lain melihat kehebatan teknologi dahsyat Hollywood - Century Fox yang seakan berjaya menggambarkan 'syurga' kehidupan 'alien' bernama Avatar itu - dengan pemandangan seperti taman-taman tergantung yang sangat indah - saya pula melihat dengan penuh prejudis dan cuba mengenalpasti simbol-simbol 'perang' Illuminati seperti biasa.

Lebih dari itu, saya cuba kaitkan dengan filem pertama dalam plot "2012", maka akan ditemui beberapa simbol Illuminati dalam filem 3 kali ganda lebih mahal dilaburkan mereka dari plot "2012". Bagi saya, jika "2012" mereka mendedahkan impian sebenar mereka, maka "Avatar" mendedahkan kaedah mereka menuju ke arah itu. Plot seterusnya, kita nanti beberapa bulan dari sekarang filem mana pula yang akan mencecah 1 bilion dollar AS.
Lukisan terkenal Michelangelo "The Sistine Chapel" di Vatican yang retak dalam "2012". Adakah benar ini gambaran Adam menyentuh tangan Tuhan atau sebenarnya gambaran alam manusia berhubungan dengan alam ghaib (syaitan) - sebagaimana digambarkan Avatar - sebagaimana juga isyarat 2 piramid bertemu membentuk logo Zionis Israel.

Israel Raya antara dua garisan biru iaitu Tigris dan Nil

Lagi penemuan saya - kepala Lucifer - membenarkan apa yang dikenalpasti oleh Rijiko :
Sumber : Rijiko

Lagi ...

Uniform dalam filem Avatar : The five pointed Pentagram = The Eastern Star of Satanism. "The Eastern Star" is also the name of a female Masonic order by the same name, in which James Cameron's wife is a member. More of AVATAR`s Satanic Illuminati symbology expressing their afilliations to Lucifer/Satan. (tribute kepada Rijiko)
The occultic meaning of the word "Avatar" is really Lucifer/Satan. The entire Movie/Entertainment industry is a well financed satanic psychological war operation being executed upon the public right before their eyes. Just like all the other Illuminati controlled industry, the Movie/Entertainment industry is a tool designed to advance their agenda of a "New World Order" and the deceptions that come along with it. In the satanic Illuminati occult dogma, the term "AVATAR" represents their coming Anti-christ, and is the Illuminati occult representation of Satan incarnate.

The Illuminati believe that through science they will be able to genetically produce a "Body" or "Host" that can then be possessed by the actual spirit of Lucifer/Satan.

This "host" that the spirit of Satan will inhabit is called the "AVATAR"

James Cameron has actually named his entire film project based around the satanic doctrines of demonic possession and modern DNA manipulation, in which the Illuminati seek to bring about the "New Age Humanoid", or demonically possessed biological human entity.

The Satanic practice of genetic merging of Animal and Human DNA.

These Illuminati funded scientists are actually genetically manufacturing nitemares such as dogs with human feet, and mice which can talk etc (lihat link berikut).

Juga link berikut dan berikut mengenai projek ala-Avatar yang telah DIWUJUDKAN sedikit demi sedikit.

"Avatar" berjaya menghantar mesej kepada penonton bahawa "makhluk asing" ciptaan mereka itu mempunyai kehidupan yang tersendiri, bahkan kehidupan mereka tampak lebih 'indah'.

Sesiapa yang menyaksikan "The Arrival" sudah pasti mampu meneka mesej tersirat Illuminati melalui proksi mereka Madonna dan ramai lagi yang menggambarkan indahnya dunia syaitan dan beruntunglah mereka yang telah 'dikawal mindanya' (mind control seperti alat mesin khas "remote body" yang digunakan oleh Jake Sully dalam Avatar) sehingga mahu terus hidup di sana.

Majoriti filem freemasonic-director, James Cameron - selepas filem terakhirnya Titanic - adalah bersifat "anti-human". Mereka yang tidak mengenali James Cameron dalam filemnya sebelum ini sukar untuk mengenalpasti mesej missing puzzle yang beliau sempurnakan dalam Avatar. Kenalilah James Cameron di sini.

Avatar membuktikan bagaimana "alien" dicipta sebagai 'hero' dalam filem ini untuk membunuh "bad humans" yang cuba memusnahkan kehidupan semulajadi mereka. Inilah mesej dan dogma Illuminati iaitu :

"humans" are a disease that is threatening all the trees and bio-life systems on earth. Therefore, according to the Illuminati, humans are to be eliminated by culling over half of this world's population to prepare for the Illuminati's version of the "NEW AGE HUMAN" (New World Order)."

Kenapa latar belakang filem-filem James Cameron berwarna biru ?

Speaking of blue, one of the primary colors of the Order of the Eastern Star is the color blue and this color is literally painted all over Avatar. The color represents the first three degrees of Freemasonry, known as the blue degrees and also signifies the ruling bloodline. This color is clearly seen throughout Cameron’s work, whether as a writer, director or producer. (sumber di sini)

Now, according to, Avatar means: the descent or embodiment of a deity to the earth in an incarnate form or some manifested shape - the incarnation of a god. This is really what the movie is all about - the projection of the Lucifer spirit into messianic form. The manifestation of the Luciferian spirit, whenever mankind tries to consciously transcend the physical reality with these methods of ascension, enlightenment and evolution, trans-humanism, reincarnation, transmigration of the souls, mind cloning and uploading, the transplantation of cellular memories and singularity. These methods of ascension, transcendence and altered states of consciousness are not part of the Divine Creative mechanism for the ether-body, therefore this will only serve to advance the Luciferian nature. (sumber : The Alien Project).

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